Monday 11 August 2008

New Dance Moves

Our daughter has new dance moves. She has loves dancing and will dance to pretty much anything. She dances at adverts, songs on the radio and even the tune of the ice-cream van.

Until recently she had 2 moves, the bob (in which she stands and bounces up and down without moving her feet) and the sway (in which she stands and sways side to side).

Her new move is an improved sway. She sways side to side but this time with her hands in the air above her head. She sometimes even lifts a leg as well.

It doesn't look gracefull but it does make my wife and I laugh and she loves it. The concentration on her face is funny too.

Sunday 10 August 2008


Our daughter had her MMR (Measles, Mumps & Rubella) jabs a couple of weeks ago and we were warned that she could be poorly for a couple days in about 7 to 10 days.

Well after about a week she started to develop a few spots around her neck and across her shoulders. They looked like a fine, elaborate necklace. She then suffered with a temperature and she had this for about 36 hours, however it coincided with the hottest week of weather we've had all year and at first we thought it was that.

All these signs/symptoms were over in 3 days. She never seemed out of sorts, under the weather or unwell. She just had the physical signs.

Saturday 9 August 2008

Bath Time

Every day I give my daughter her bath, this is because my wife gets to spend much more time with her and I love spending as much time as I can with her.

Our bath time routine starts with me washing her hair, then washing her body and finally brushing her teeth. She is then allowed to play with her toys until I feel or she tells me she wants to get out. During this play time I have seen her put her hands in the water and then rub her hair as if she is trying to wash it. She also puts her hands in the water and then rubs her tummy as if she is trying to wash herself as well. It is so cute and adorable.

Friday 8 August 2008

Growing Up Fast

Our daughter is growning up so fast. She is now running everywhere, talking non-stop in a language only she understands and trying to do things for herself (little Miss Independent).

Tonight is the first time she has spoken to anyone on the phone. We have put the phone to her ear before but she has never said anything before. I believe this is because hearing a voice at the other end confused her. She is beginning to get the hang of it and I am wondering whether it was such a good idea. She wonders round the house her phone clamp to her ear chatting away.

My wife has let her play with her mobile phone recently and twice now my daughter has managed to leave a voicemail on my mobile phone. I have kept them as I find they cheer me up. She always makes me smile.