Sunday 20 July 2008

Bounce, Bounce, Bounce

Our daughter has developed a desire to bounce on everything. She bounces on the sofa, our bed, her cot and even the dog's bed and she has nearly fallen off the sofa and our bed with her bouncing. As a result we have have bought her a little something to that she can bounce on to her heart's content. A trampoline.

This trampoline is great and ideal for as a first one. It is small enough to fit in and average size lounge and is designed for a 12m - 36m old child. Our daughter loves it (that is not her in the picture by the way). If she's not bouncing on it she's using it as a sit to eat things off.
I would recommend anyone with a child who likes bouncing to get one. It will save on getting a new bed, cot, sofa or all 3.

Saturday 19 July 2008


Well it has been a week since our daughter was christened. The service was lovely and we had close family and very close friends only at the service. There were a couple of little worries like a godmother and godfather cutting it fine to get to the church and my wife getting stressed in our kitchen when everyone came back to our house for food. Once everyone had been fed she calmed down.

Our daughter was extremely good and loved every moment of having her photographs taken. She is such a poser. She loves looking at herself in the mirror. She looked gorgeous in her dress (because of the material it was made of she was difficult to hold when she wriggled) and she wanted to get to her friend Louis (who is 6 weeks older than her and is the son of her hairdresser - see previous post). They hadn't seen each other since her birthday.

Thankfully the service lasted about 20 minutes and the rain held off until early evening.

First Haircut

I know it has been a long time since I posted on here but I have been working lots and looking after the family through our collective illnesses. We are all better thankfully.

Anyway this week my daughter had her first haircut. I say haircut, it was more of a trim and even then it was just the fringe. It kept getting in her eyes and when wet it reached her top lip.

It was cut by a friend of ours that has trained as a hairdresser but now only cuts her family's and close friends hair. My wife came home with the hair in an envelope. It will be put into her keepsake box along with her hospital identifaction band and many other items.